Our Process


Why Our Process Works

We believe in efficient, professional work. That is why we promise a 24 hour turnaround time on all projects, from start to finish. e are committed to transforming your floor with the highest quality products in one day, and move your items back in the next.
Garage Floor in 24 has been created to provide a new level of customer appreciation and satisfaction in the home improvement industry. The knowledge gained as a past coatings consultant has enabled us to bring the science and application of coatings to your home.

Polyaspartic Base Coat

Polyaspartic is not a new product. It has been used for industrial projects for years. Polyaspartic has been a the leader in coatings because of its ability to quickly cure and cure extremely strong all while exhibiting flexible properties. All of these characteristics are the details that make this a superior choice over traditional epoxy. At Garage Floor In 24, we are the leaders in highest quality products in the shortest amount of time.

Clear Finish Coat

After the full chip broadcast we then add the final polish to our floors with the top coat. The clear finish coat locks everything together. The clear coat finish binds everything together and also provides a chemical/oil resistant finish that is easy to clean and looks amazing. It is also anti-microbial. Gone are the days of stained concrete and dirty floors. 

Grinding & Edging

The surface is properly prepared using an 700lb grinder with the proper diamonds installed for each job. The edges are hand ground. Whether there is an existing coating we need to remove or not, proper surface preparation is the foundation for a long lasting solid floor. We pay attention to the details. Cracks and divots are properly addressed so that any existing imperfections don’t reflect through.

Full Chip Broadcast

While the polyaspartic base coat is still wet, we broadcast to full rejection. This means your entire floor is fully covered and even with your selection of chips. This process gives optimal non-slip qualities and also gives our floors the maximum aesthetically pleasing finish possible. You can choose from dozens of combinations! We are glad to work with you in picking and customizing the perfect blend.

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